The Sculpture Graveyard is a special fenced area of Deep Forest Art Land. Here sculptures that have served their original purpose can be moved to decay and eventually to become one with nature. In time, it will serve as a catalogue over all the art which was originally located in both Deep Forest Art Land and in other places.
The Sculpture Graveyard is also Deep Forest Art Land’s version of the overgrown, romantic garden like the ones in the abandoned graveyards of England, for example Highgate Cemetery which is placed on a hill with a view over London. This graveyard was established by a private firm during the cholera pandemic of the 1820s. It was but 1 of 8 new competing graveyards or “garden cemeteries”. Here, a lot was done to attract famous and wealthy clients. For example, they built egyptian temples, catacombs etc. They wanted to earn money by making the graveyard a place for excursions. And it worked! Soon, they had to demolish one path after another to make place for graves. In the 20th century, when the private graveyards went bankrupt, the cemeteries went into decay and became overgrown. In the 1960s, Highate Cemetery was taken over by volunteers (the Friends of Highgate Cemetery Trust) who valued these unique places in the middle of the city.

Vi bygger ruiner, men hvad indeholder fremtiden for Skulpturkirkegården?
Placeringen af kirkegården blev valgt, da der var rester af et hegn, der i sin tid blev sat op for at beskytte nyplantede træer mod rådyrenes glubende appetit. Hegn, stier og beplantning skal op på et stadie, så man får fornemmelse af, at her har været en kirkegård, men der er lang vej endnu. Det er et omfattende projekt at bygge et forfald – at bygge en ruin. Men vi tager en dag ad gangen og ser positivt på fremtiden.
Artworks given by professional artists from all over the world.
The Sculpture Graveyard contains artworks given by professional artists from from far and wide. And new ones arrived continually. In our first invitation to the Sculpture Graveyard, we wrote:
- Do you have sculpture ready for its last journey?
- A sculpture which has never been shown?
- One which was never finished?
- An object that maybe did not live up to your expectations?
- Do you lack space?
Thank you very much to the generous givers/artists without whom this project would’ve never happened. We build ruins for the future out of sculptures and artworks – artworks which have all been on a journey throughout the country, and which have seen people in many different situations, but which were maybe not entirely appreciated at that time, and that takes courage. Thank you.

Do you want to volunteer and help with the constructions of the Sculpture Graveyard? Become a friend of the Sculpture Graveyard!
In time, we hope that the Sculpture Graveyard can also get some friends who can help with this ambitious project. The help can come in many shapes – here are a few examples:
- Graveyard decoration, old park benches, granite ashlar, elements of cast iron etc.
- Planting – maybe you have green fingers.
- Trees and bushes which will fit in.
- Mason, carpenter, smith who wants to help create a mood, or who has for example old bricks lying around.
Send us a message about large and small, and we’ll take it from there. Have patience with the answer, as Deep Forest Art Land is largely based on the help of volunteers. You can contact us via or read more about volunteering in Deep Forest Art Land here.